24 Jan 5 Tips to Increase Curb Appeal
If you’re trying to sell or rent a home, one of the best ways to improve your odds is by increasing its curbside appeal. Believe it or not, many people make up their mind on whether or not a house is going to make the cut before they even walk in the front door. Similar to how one might try to look as good as possible when going on a first date so that the other person will invest the time in getting to know them on the inside, so too is the importance of enhancing the appearance of your home from the outside so that prospects will enter the front door thinking “this could be the one.” As a Castle Rock Property Management company, Integrity Realty & Management has some tips to help you increase your appeal.
1. Install Solar Lights along Walkways
Adding lighting around walkways makes your home look inviting. It also makes your house look safer. Though there are many different kinds of accent and walkway lighting, solar lights are suggested because they require very little maintenance and don’t cost anything to run. A Castle Rock Property Manager can give great advice on lighting options.
2. Landscaping
Adding shrubs, trees, and flowers adds intrigue and color. It makes a home feel comfortable and cozy and like a place that someone wants to live. Homes without landscaping can often seem dull. But landscaping doesn’t just mean planting flowers and leaving them. If landscaping hasn’t been maintained, it can actually take away from the overall appearance of your Castle Rock Rental Property. If that’s the case, putting in a little work will make your landscaping shine again. If you don’t know much about gardening, ask around at your local nursery or home improvement store.
3. Get a Second Pair of Eyes
Sometimes people get used to the way things are. This can make sprucing up your house a task that’s harder than one would think. You may not see the cobwebs in the corner of your porch, the discolored paint, or the missing shingles. Getting a friend or someone who doesn’t live at your home give you a second opinion will almost always open your eyes. If you have a good Castle Rock Property Manager or REALTOR, they can certainly help in this regard.
4. Get Out a Pressure Washer
While not everyone owns a pressure washer, renting one for a day usually costs around $50-75. It’s essential to making your house look clean and sellable/rentable. Pressure washers can be used on weathered and dirty siding, decks, walkways, and oily driveways. If you have a deck that is unfinished you may want to consider finishing it, since that will add to the curbside appeal of your home.
5. Mulch
Mulch is kind of like socks. Over time it disappears and becomes discolored. While some people may blame garden gnomes for this, it is more likely that wind and UV rays are responsible. Adding a new layer of dark mulch can make your landscaping look fresh and appealing. It’s not costly or time consuming either, so it’s an efficient way of sprucing up the exterior of your Castle Rock Rental Home.
These tips are helpful in preparing a residence to be sold or rented. If, after undertaking all of these steps, you find that you are still having problems finding tenants for your property, considering hiring a Castle Rock Realtor or Castle Rock Property Manager. Integrity Realty & Management specializes in the Castle Rock area and will be happy to assist.